Tim Wildmon
AFA president
May 1997 – On school day mornings Alison and I go through the same routine. Six a.m. arise, go to the kitchen, prepare the kids…o.k., so I hit the snooze button until 6:27. (Ours has 9-minute intervals and no, I don’t know why.)
Now, where was I? Six a.m., arise, barely, go to the kitchen and perform my fatherly duty by helping Alison prepare the kids.... nothing. That’s right, I prepare myself a bowl of cereal thus saving Alison valuable time that she wouldn’t have spent anyway pouring my cereal. She tells me I’m a big boy and, “I’m not your momma.” Even when I say things like, “Would walison pweese go make lil’ Timmy some cereal?”
Alison does come close behind me and prepares breakfast for our three. Wriley’s 9, Wesley’s 7 and Walker’s 3, and while I’m in the shower, they eat breakfast. Since the kids are young we all do our dressing and early morning business in the same general vicinity. This can result in bumping, stepping on toes, and tooth paste rinse water being sprayed around, which – as any family knows – builds character and strengthens family bonds. T
his morning Alison was fixing Wriley’s hair in the bathroom while I was in the closet holding my socks to the light to make sure they matched. I never know when Alison will pull my pants legs up and do a spot check and boy, we don’t want to get caught mixing black and navy blue, do we? The boys were on the bed. Walker loves to get on his older brother’s back and elbow, squeeze, ride pony, knee and generally rough-house Wesley. Once in a while Walker will do something like poke Wesley in the eye which make my eldest son – well, it bothers him. It makes him speak in a high-volumed concerned tone. Actually, it can cause Wesley to lash out in anger and threaten to beat his little brother into the mattress and leave him in the box springs. This is where I come in because it’s my bed Wesley’s talking about and I like my mattress and box springs like they are. Can you imagine trying to sleep with a three year old housed in your mattress?
Anyway, while I was making sure the right shoe was going on the right foot and the left shoe was going on the left foot, Walker evidently grabbed Wesley around the neck and yanked back really hard, placing Wesley’s spine, neck and head in a very unnatural and extremely painful position. Predictably, Wesley reacted.
“Walker!! Get off me! That hurt bad!” said Wesley. Then Wesley yelled out, as serious as he could be, “Walker you’re giving my stomach a head ache!!” Walker’s fun and games had also injured Wesley’s torso which, as Wesley articulated, caused his stomach to get a “head ache.”
You know, our culture accepts so many things that the Bible clearly says will destroy us. Frankly, it gives my stomach a headache sometimes.
For example, the Disney/ABC promotion of homosexuality. For example, President Clinton’s support of infanticide otherwise known as a “procedure” called partial-birth abortion. For example, the National Endowment for the Arts continues to fund obscenity and pornography with our tax dollars, and what does House Speaker Newt Gingrich, leader of the so-called Republican revolution, do –he spends a day cozying up to actor Alec Baldwin and other Hollywood types who don’t want to see the NEA restrained from this abuse of tax-payer dollars. This is a no-brainer
All we can do is continue to pray and work for America. Continue to share your Christian faith with others. Continue to love your children and grandchildren and teach them God’s ways.
And I thank you for continuing to stand with AFA as we take a public and organized stand on issues. Together, and with God’s help, we can see our once great country be a land that honors God and his laws.
For those wondering, I stopped Wesley from planting Walker in the mattress. And we made it to school by 7:25 a.m. But I’m thinking as I drive to the office: Why 9-minute intervals on my alarm clock? Why not 5 or 10 or 8? Who decides such things?