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Past Issues
March 1997
Judge tells military it must sell porn!
Pentagon forced to continue selling pornographic magazines.
Don Wildmon
The greatest gift to your children
Parents, raise you children in a Christian home.
The politics of burned churches
A look at the Burned Churches Fund of the National Council of Churches
Fawning over Flynt film shows twisted values
A key ingredient of our culture's decline is receiving praise.
Pornography is seeping into the community
Reprinted from Citizen newspaper, American Fork, Utah
Tim Wildmon
Not your father’s Mickey Mouse
Thoughts on the Disney corporation today
How abortion divides our country
"How can people complain about incivility and then condone the killing of babies?"
More from this Issue
How abortion divides our country
Not your father’s Mickey Mouse
Pornography is seeping into the community
Fawning over Flynt film shows twisted values
The politics of burned churches
The greatest gift to your children
Judge tells military it must sell porn!